Descendant Surnames of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow
[Updated March 31, 2009]

Our common ancestral Grandparents, Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow, have over 750 descendants. Naturally, not all have the surname of Ducklow. As daughters wed they have taken their husband’s surname; as children are born from these unions, they typically are given their father’s family name. As a result, the number of surnames in the family tree greatly expands with daughters. For example, Thomas and Elizabeth’s very first grandchild was James Walter GOOD, son of their daughter Mary Ann Ducklow and her husband Frank Gallagher Good.

The surname lineage becomes a bit challenging to follow as daughters have daughters that have daughters and so on. One such case is Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow’s daughter Elizabeth. She married John HANSON. Elizabeth and John Hanson had a daughter named Nellie. Nellie grew up and married Charles BLAIR. Nellie and Charles Blair were blessed with a daughter named Florence and she grew up to marry a man named Morgan DAVIS. Florence and Morgan Davis also had daughters who have since married. Four generations of daughters begetting daughters. And so it goes. None-the-less, all are descendant grandchildren of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow and therefore part of the Ducklow family tree.

From the marriage of Mary Ann DUCKLOW to Frank GOOD in 1865 the Ducklow family tree has grown to include at least 115 unique surnames. They are:

(1) ALTHOFF ................ (2) ANDERSON ........... (3) BENSON
(4) BERGER .................. (5) BLACK .................... (6) BLAIR
(7) BONANOMI ............ (8) BOND ...................... (9) BROWN
(10) BULL ..................... (11) CADWELL ............. (12) CADY
(13) CAMPBELL ........... (14) CARTER ................ (15) CATURA
(16) CRAIN ................... (17) CROWDER ............ (18) CROWELL
(19) CULVER ............... (20) CYMAN .................. (21) DAVIS
(22) DEITZ ................... (23) DOONAN .............. (24) DUCKLOW
(25) DUNDOVICH ....... (26) EHLERS ................ (27) TEN EYCK
(28) FENNESSEY ........ (29) FERRIES ............... (30) FORSGREN
(31) FRANK .................. (32) FRYE ..................... (33) GATZKE
(34) GERVAIS .............. (35) GOOD .................... (36) GOULETTE
(37) GREGG ................. (38) GREGORY ............. (39) GRIFFITH
(40) GUSKI ................... (41) HANNAFIN .......... (42) HANSON
(43) HARDY ................. (44) HEAGY .................. (45) HEATH
(46) HEFTI ................... (47) HILDEBRANDT ... (48) HINTZE
(49) HOFSTAD ............. (50) HOGAN ................. (51) HOLMAN
(52) HUFTEL ................ (53) JOHNSON ............ (54) KEMPTON
(55) KIMBALL ............... (56) KLINE ................... (57) KNAPPER
(58) LAGRANDER ........ (59) LARSEN ................ (60) LEE
(61) LINDEE .................. (62) LLOYD .................. (63) LOMBARDI
(64) MARCUS ................ (65) MARKER .............. (66) MARNICH
(67) MARSHALL ........... (68) MEYER ................. (69) MOHLMAN
(70) McCONAUGHEY ... (71) McGAVER ............. (72) McKARNS
(73) McQUEEN .............. (74) NELSON ............... (75) NOSKOVIAK
(76) O’BRIEN ................. (77) OLSON .................. (78) OSTENSON
(79) PARKER ................. (80) PEARSON ............. (81) PETERSON
(82) POOL ...................... (83) POPP .................... (84) REUTER
(85) REYNOLDS ........... (86) RIEBAGO .............. (87) ROGSTAD
(88) ROSE ..................... (89) ROSS ..................... (90) SAMUELSON
(91) SCHLOSSER .......... (92) SCHLUSSLER ....... (93) SCHMOKER
(94) SCHOLZ ................. (95) SIMPSON .............. (96) SIVERLING
(97) SMALLEY ............... (98) SMITH .................. (99) SONDROL
(100) SPRENGEL .......... (101) STARWOOD ...... (102) STEINHOFF
(103) STENCEL ............. (104) STROBUSH ....... (105) TOLLARD
(106) TORGERSON ....... (107) TRINKO ............. (108) VOSIKA
(109) WALTON .............. (110) WEED ................. (111) WILKINS
(112) WILSON ................ (113) WISDOM ............ (114) ZIEMER

The following 61 surnames are also associated with the greater DUCKLOW family. These surnames are married descendant daughters that do not have any children. For example, descendant Audrey DUCKLOW wed Henry THOMPSON but they had a childless marriage. Some of those in this list may have children, but they are not understood to be DUCKLOW descendants. It is also possible that some in this list do have descendant children but are not yet identified to this researcher.

(1) AAMODT ................ (2) ANANDDAS OR DAS ....... (3) ARMSTRONG
(4) BARTON ................ (5) CARNCROSS .................... (6) CHAFFEE
(7) CHRISTIANSON ... (8) CLEMENT ........................ (9) CLEVELAND
(10) CONNAKER ........ (11) DAVID ............................. (12) DRUMM
(13) DWYER ............... (14) FOX .................................. (15) GARVILS
(16) GAVRILES .......... (17) GELLATLY ....................... (18) GULILLAUME
(19) GUNDERSON .... (20) HARTWIG ....................... (21) HETRICK
(22) HOLZ ................. (23) HUET ............................... (24) HUGHES
(25) HUTTON ............ (26) MACINTYRE ................... (27) MALNORY
(28) MATSCHE ......... (29) McGUIRE ........................ (30) McINTYRE
(31) McKILLOP ......... (32) McKINNEY ...................... (33) MILLER
(34) MONROE ........... (35) MORAN ........................... (36) PARENDO
(37) POOLMAN ......... (38) RABI ................................ (39) RICKERD
(40) ROTHMEYER .... (41) SANDMANN ................... (42) SAVOLAINEN
(43) SAWYER ............ (44) SCHULTZ ........................ (45) SEVERUD
(46) SHAFT ................ (47) SIKKINK ......................... (48) SNIDER
(49) SOUTHARD ....... (50) STARRETT ...................... (51) STODOLA
(52) THOMPSON ....... (53) TINGLESTAD ................. (54) TRIPLETT
(55) VOETTER ............ (56) VYE ................................. (57) WAGNER
(58) WALFORD .......... (59) WEBB ............................. (60) WEISE

The list of surnames that follows are the maiden names of women that have wed DUCKLOW descendants. If a descendant has married more than once, each women's surname is listed.

ACKER .................. ALBERIO .............. ALDERMAN ......... AVERY
BECKWITH ........... BENSON ............... BERKHOLTZ ....... BIES
BISHOP ................. BLAIR ................... BODIN .................. BOWEN
BRITTON .............. BROOKHEART ..... BROOKS ............... BROWN
BRUCE .................. BUTLER ................ CALKINS ............... CALL
CARLSON .............. CASE ..................... CAVIN ................... CHAMBERS
COOPER ................ COUNTS ............... CROWL ................. DEBLARE
DIECKMAN ........... DOONAN .............. DOUD ................... EVERSON
FARMER ................ FELKER ............... FERGER ................ FINKE
FINSTAD ............... FOLTMAN ............ GALLAGHER ........ GERMAIN
GOULETTE ........... GRANGE ............... GREEN .................. GULLIXSON
HAHN ................... HAMILTON .......... HAMMANN ........... HANKE
HANKEL ................ HANSON .............. HARBIN ................ HAREL
HASSLER ............... HEFTI .................. HENNINGS ........... HERMAN
HEUBEL ................ HILLSTEAD ......... HOLMQUIST ......... HOLTE
HOLTER ................ HORKEN .............. HOWE .................... HULL
HUNDT .................. HYLAND ............... INGLI .................... JENKINS
JILEK ..................... JOHNSON ............ KACVINSKY .......... KAHLE
KALLENBACH ....... KEGEL ................. KLINEFELTER ...... KRAMER
KUHEN .................. KVEEN ................. LABELLE ............... LAPORTE
LEGREID ............... LEMLER .............. LEWANDOWSKI ... LEWERENZ
LINDEGREN ......... LINDQUIST ......... LOFGREN .............. LUND
MARCOIS .............. MATHEWSON ..... McCLURG .............. McCORMICK
McMENAMIN ....... MEHUS ................ MERTEN ................ METCALF
MICKELSON ......... MILDER ............... MILES .................... MILLER
MOLINE ................ MULHERON ........ MUSICH ............ NEIDERHAUSER
NELSON ................ NICHOLSON ........ NORRIS ............... NORTHFIELD
O’BRIEN ................ O’BRYAN .............. OLSON ................... OSKEY
OSMUNDSON ....... OSWEILER ........... PAGAC ................... PATE
PEARCE ................. PECHACEK .......... PHILLIPS ............... POMEROY
PRINE .................... PROSSER ............. PUFALL .................. REINBOLD
RICE ....................... RIVARD ............... ROATCH ................. ROBERTS
ROMAINE .............. ROSS .....................RUBATT ................. RUDESILL
SANDBERGEN ...... SCHIMMEL .......... SCHULKE .............. SCHUMAN
SHAFER ................. SHAW ................... SHERMACK ........... SIEVERT
SMITH ................... SOCKNESS ........... SPENCER ............... SPERRY
SPRENGEL ............ STROM ................. STROP .................... SUCKY
SULIMA ................. SWAN ................... TENNYSON ............ TERRELL
THOLLANDER ...... THUROW ............. TIMM ...................... TIMMEL
TODY ..................... TOGSTAD ............. TOWNSEND ........... TRACY
TRUNKEL .............. TRUZINSKI .......... TSCHIDA ................ TUTTLE
VANHECKER ......... VAN-NORTWICK ... VITANDS ..............VOELK
WAGNER ............... WAHL ................... WARNKEN ............. WEEDON
WEINFURTER ....... WEISHAAR .......... WERNER ................ WHITNEY
WINDSPERGER .... WITT ..................... WYNVEEN .............. YONAN
ZEIMET .................. ZEMKE

Footnote: Do you believe that you are a descendant of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow and your surname is not on the list? Or is your surname on the list but you can’t figure out how you are linked to the Ducklow family? Either way, I’d like to connect with you and help figure it out. My email is jeffducklow [put the @ symbol between my name and comcast]

April Birthday's of the
Descendants & Near Relatives

of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow
(Only those born in the year 1930 or earlier are noted, unless permission given to publish)

Name ................................................. Birth Date .. From Wisconsin County
Carl A ROGSTAD ………………..….....................…. 2 Apr 1893 ...... Barron
Charles “Charlie” DUCKLOW ……............….....… 3 Apr 1853 ..... Monroe
Glady A HASON nee ALDERMAN …...............… 3 Apr 1899 ...... Barron
Vanita Eileen OLSON nee DUCKLOW ...........…. 6 Apr 1923 ..... St. Croix
Charles J Francis GOOD ………….....…...........…… 6 Apr 1871 ...... Ashland
Irma Helen DUCKLOW nee THUROW …........... 7 Apr 1913 ...... Waukesha
Glenn Charles HANSON ……................…………… 8 Apr 1917 ...... Barron
Florence Ideala DAVIS nee BLAIR …...............… 9 Apr 1905 ...... Barron
Willis “Willie” Francis DUCKLOW .............…..... 9 Apr 1910 ...... Pierce
Stanley Edgar GOOD ……………….................…….. 9 Apr 1908 ..... Dane
John ROGSTAD ………............……….......………… 10 Apr 1928 ..... Barron
Loretta Anne DUCKLOW nee RICE …............… 13 Apr 1912 ...... Monroe
Margaret BLAIR nee BUCHANON …............….. 19 Apr 1840 ..... Ontairo CAN
Eva I DUCKLOW nee SHAW ……...............…….. 20 Apr 1865 .... Monroe
Robert “Bob” F DUCKLOW ………...…............…. 20 Apr 1919 ..... St. Croix
Evelyn “Ann” MORAN nee HOGAN …............... 20 Apr 1924 .... Ashland
Willard CATURA ………………….......…............….. 24 Apr 1887 .... Clark
Vivian Alta DUCKOW nee DOUD ….…............... 25 Apr 1910 .... Chippewa
Anthony “Tony” Victor DUCKLOW ….............… 26 Apr 1985 .... Hennepin MN
nee BECKWITH ......… 26 Apr 1917 .... Pierce
Vanrensler “Van” F NICHOLSON ….............…… 27 Apr 1896 ... Sheboygan
Auderine SCHULTZ nee DUCKLOW ….............. 28 Apr 1911 .... Maricopia, AZ
Nellie J HANSON nee GOOD ………...............….. 30 Apr 1873 .... Barron

Mary Isla CARTER nee LAGRANDER …................. Apr 1929 .... Drain, OR
James “Jim” F HOGAN …………..................…....…… Apr 1918 .... Ashland
Kathryn “Kitty” NICHOLSON ……….................……. Apr 1866 .... Calumet

Quote from Disney’s Animated Movie "Bambi"

Flower: [about two birds fluttering around] Well! What's the matter with them?
Thumper: Why are they acting that way?
Friend Owl: Why, don't you know? They're twitterpated.
Flower, Bambi, Thumper: Twitterpated?
Friend Owl: Yes. Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example: You're walking along, minding your own business. You're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of a sudden you run smack into a pretty face. Woo-woo! You begin to get weak in the knees. Your head's in a whirl. And then you feel light as a feather, and before you know it, you're walking on air. And then you know what? You're knocked for a loop, and you completely lose your head!
Thumper: Gosh, that's awful.
Flower: Gee whiz.
Bambi: Terrible!
Friend Owl: And that ain't all. It could happen to anyone, so you'd better be careful.
[points at Bambi]
Friend Owl: It could happen to you…
[points at Thumper]
Friend Owl: … or you, or even...
[Flower looks at Owl shyly]
Friend Owl: Yes, it could even happen to you!

—From Walt Disney's Bambi, First Released in August 1942

When were you born?
How Holidays and Seasons Influence Ducklow Descendant Birthdays
[Updated March 31, 2009]

Did you know that October 5th is the day of the year with the most birthdays in America? OK, so why would this be? The answer of course is what event happened nine months prior. A baby’s gestational period is typically 267 days, with a normal variation of about two weeks. New Year’s Eve falls 278 days before October 5th, fitting very nicely in the two-week variation window. It seems that couples’ celebration of the New Year [see footnote] explains the peak in early October births!

The higher number of births around the end of September and early October also holds true for the greater Ducklow family. Statistically speaking, more Ducklow descendants are born in the period from September 8th until October 10th than any other time of year. This period correlates back nine months to mid-December and early January and includes both Christmas and New Year’s holidays. On average, two Ducklow descendants have birthdays each day during the September 8th to October 10th period. September 10th is a particularly popular date for being born; six descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth share that birthday. This date ties with October 23rd for most common date of birth in our greater Ducklow family.

The least common time of year for Ducklow births? Mid August. The two-week period of August 15th through August 27th is the least likely dates for a Ducklow descendant to be born. On average, there is just one birth per day in this period (compared to the overall average of 1.6 descendant birthdays each day of the year). There are no known Ducklow descendants born on the dates of August 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, or 20th. This is the only five-day stretch in the whole calendar with no descendant birthdays. Nine months prior is mid November. Apparently, Thanksgiving dinner with the family does not translate well into working on expanding the family. Or perhaps only a few women wanted to be nine months pregnant in the very peak of heat in the summer.

In addition to the September to early October period, there are a few other days on the calendar when a higher than average number of Ducklow descendant birthdays occur:

(1) Just before Christmas through mid January — nine months prior is April. As Friend Owl points out in the movie "Bambi," springtime is when couples become “Twitterpated,”

(2) Mid February — nine months prior is Memorial Day weekend,

(3) Mid to late March — nine months prior is 4th of July,

(4) Late April to Late May — nine months prior is August and early September including Labor Day,

(5) Mid November — nine months prior is Valentines Day.

Footnote: Birth date popularity reference found at Click here to link.

Footnote: Statistics where based on analyzing the 568 known birthdays of the 783 known descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow. The birth years range from 1843 to 2009.

Footnote: There are 75 dates on the calendar without at least one Ducklow descendant birthday. These dates are January 6, 7, 10, 18, 21, 26; February 3, 9, 23, 24, 29; March 1, 5, 8, 10, 11, 23, 31; April 11, 16, 19, 23, 25, 29; May 8, 19, 23, 29, 30; June 5, 8, 19, 23, 29, 30; July 12, 13, 17, 18, 23; August 3, 4, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26; September 4, 5, 7, 13, 20, 22, 23, 29; October 9, 13, 20, 30, 31; November 1, 2, 7, 12, 22, 23, 25, 29; December 9, 10, 16, 21, 28

Footnote: The day of the month with the most births is the 24th. Thirty-seven Ducklow descendants have a birthday on this day of the month. The least common day of the month for a birthday is the 31st. Only seven months have 31 days. Of these only nine birthdays in the greater Ducklow family occur on one of these seven days.

Carlin Quote

Death is caused by swallowing small amounts of saliva over a long period of time.—George Carlin [1937-2008]

Causes of Death in the Ducklow Family
Focus on George and Emma Ducklow Descendants
[Published March 23, 2009]

Protecting our health and living a long life is a goal most of us share. One aspect of our health is our genetics. Knowing our common family genes, or more specifically, knowing what diseases our greater family seems more susceptible to can provide insight to the steps we should take to keep ourselves well.

One interesting element of building the Ducklow family tree has been seeing patterns in the cause of death of ancestors, near and distant cousins, and personal family members. The cause of death is often cited when reviewing obituaries, death certificates or hearing oral histories. It is only natural to wonder if your own health fate is rooted in history of those who have passed already. To that end, an examination the cause of death for descendants of George and Emma Ducklow branch was performed and is presented here.

George and Emma Ducklow’s family has grown considerably since Emma delivered her first child, Nellie, in October of 1876. If George and Emma were alive today they would count 361 descendants! The vast majority of theses are living: 328 of 361 are alive today or about 91%. In the 133 years since Nellie’s birth there have been only 33 deaths of blood descendants.

Because so few of George and Emma’s descendants have passed-on, the number of deaths to consider as part of a patterns is quite limited. However, in broad terms, the cause of the majority of these deaths can be generalized into the following seven categories ranked by frequency [see footnotes]:

(1) Cancer
(2) Heart failure
(3) Infant morality
(4) Asthma
(5) War
(6) Stroke
(7) Accident

Like most Americans, those of us in the Ducklow family should take steps to combat cancer and heart disease. These are the two biggest cited causes of death in America. It is interesting to compare the above list against a published list of causes of death across America. One list cites the following causes and percentages [see footnote]:

(1) 29% Heart disease
(2) 23% Cancer
(3) 7% Stroke
(4) 5% Respiratory disease
(5) 4% Accidents
(6) 3% Diabetes
(7) 3% Flu / pneumonia
(8) 26 % all others

An important warning to by anyone in our family who enjoys smoking cigarettes: This is clearly the most deadly vice for someone with Ducklow genes to engage in. It appears that at least 75 percent those who died of cancer that descend from George and Emma Ducklow had smoked cigarettes on a regular basis. The average age of those who died of cancer who were also smokers was age 56.

Footnote: Not all of the 33 known deaths were categorized for lack of data on the cause of death. As additional information is found this post will be updated.

Footnote: Due to the potential for abuse of more detailed information the author will not to publish more detailed family statistics tied to disease / cause of death in this blog. However, I would be happy to share the information with any Ducklow family member that contacts me.

Footnote: Only the descendants of George and Emma Ducklow’s branch were analyzed. Spouses were not included.

Footnote: Source for cause of death in America: National Vital Statistics Report, Volume 53, Number 5 (October 2004) See web site that uses CDC data:

Joplin Quote

Oh, Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz. My friends all drive Porshes, I must make amends.—Janis Joplin [1943-1970]

The Waiting Mercedes-Benz
[Published March 14, 2009]

Upon his divorce from his wife Elaine, Jerry Ducklow, for some inexplicable reason, decided to leave behind his prized Mercedes Benz in her back yard. He told her to leave it right were it was parked and he'd be back for it. She agreed thinking he would return in a few days. This was in 1977.

Five years went by and Jerry never came for his car. A phalanx of weeds and wild brush had grown up around it. Then ten years passed and small trees and vegetation began to envelop the car. Twenty years went by and trees branches and roots had broken the car windows and pushed through the floor boards fully engulfing it into the brushy landscape. But through all the years Elaine let the car be. She felt that one day Jerry would return and take it away.

Finally in 2002, after twenty five years, Elaine decided that Jerry was never coming back for his Mercedes. In all that time, she and Jerry had never spoke. She had no idea what ever happened to him. Elaine died in 2007 having never made contact with him after their divorce. As it turns out Jerry had passed away some 17 years earlier in 1990. So, unbeknownst to her, she had keep Jerry's car on her back lot twelve years beyond his passing. But she always felt that he was going to come back and want his German wheels.

When the car was finally hauled away, they found a note written by Jerry that survived the years. It read, "This car belongs to Gerald Ducklow. Do not remove."—instructions that one must say were well taken. This amusing little story makes you wonder why Jerry never bothered to come back for his Mercedes and why did Elaine allow the car to be "stored" on her lot for so very long. The mysteries of human nature.

Footnote: “Jerry” was born Gerald Lynn Ducklow, son of Lynn Shaw Ducklow, and grandson of Charles and Eva Ducklow. Charles Ducklow was Thomas and Elizabeth’s seventh child.
Footnote: Elaine and Gerald were married for about two years, from 1975 – 1977. It was Gerald's third marriage. Elaine's home was in Anderson, California.
Footnote: Elaine’s daughter, Nancy M., originally shared this story with the author.

Twain Quote

Familiarity breeds contempt - and children. —Mark Twain [1835-1910]

March Birthday's of the
Descendants & Near Relatives

of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow
(Only those born in the year 1930 or earlier are noted, unless permission given to publish)

Name ................................................. Birth Date .. From Wisconsin County
Frank Ruthbin DUCKLOW …….................……. 7 Mar 1918 .... Pierce
Marguerite LAGRANDER nee BROOKHEART ..... 11 Mar 1895 ... Oregon
Hanna Sophia GOOD nee OSMUNDSON ..… 14 Mar 1915 .... Dane
Charles Edwin DUCKLOW ………….....….....…. 15 Mar 1891 ... King, WA
Francis “Fay” Mary DUCKLOW nee PRINE .. 16 Mar 1882 ... Pierce
Thomas E DUCKLOW …………………….........….17 Mar 1812 …. Dodge
Mary Jane HANNAFIN nee DUCKLOW ........ 20 Mar 1921 … Hennepin, MN
Evan Charles DAVIS ……………………............... 25 Mar 1926 ... Barron
Elmer Eugene DUCKLOW …………………......… 25 Mar 1889 .. Monroe
Frances “Fannie” DUCKLOW ……………………. 28 Mar 1844 .. Dodge
Nellie Jane BLAIR nee HANSON ……..….….... 28 Mar 1885 .. Barron
Mildred Henrietta WISDOM nee DUCKLOW . 29 Mar 1905 .. Stephenson, IL
Fred LLOYD ………………………………..............…. 31 Mar 1910 .. Barron