Esther Northfield Ducklow Passes
[Published March 11, 2010]

Esther Northfield Ducklow, one of my genealogy mentors on the Ducklow family, passed away on March 9, 2010. She was 94. Esther came into the Ducklow family when she married Willis Ducklow in 1935. She became very interested in genealogy research for both her family (Northfield) as well as the Ducklow family. She likely started digging into Ducklow history when Willis was still living, prehaps as early as 1970 and continued until the last few years of her life. Her 40 years of search resulted in a treasure trove of information on Ducklows that she freely shared with me. Esther was comfortable using both "old school" methods of research by digging through microfilm of newspapers, writing letters, and walking cemeteries and "new school" methods of hunting for information on rootsweb and emailing other genealogists using a computer. She was the only person I knew above 90 years old that seemed really comfortable with a computer. I will miss her sharp wit, directness in comments and overall feistiness.
You can find her on-line obituary here.
Peace, Sweat Peace Esther.
Pedigree: Esther married Willis Ducklow. Willis > Frank > George > Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow.
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