Broken Heart List

 A Long Marriage  Then a Spouse Dies—And Then Just a Short While Later the Remaining Spouse Dies...

Did the Remaining Spouse Die of a Broken Heart? 

[Updated November 10, 2009]


There are 84 known marriages in the Greater Ducklow family where both partners are now deceased.  Of these 84, five couples passed-away within just a few months of each other.   What is also notable is all five had very long marriages. Was the stress of losing a life partner too much to bear?


The five couples are:

(1) Melvin Clyde Blair died in Minneapolis on October, 1982, age 67. His wife Daisy Marie Buis Blair died just 13 days later on October 16th, 1982.  She was just age 56.  The exact length of their marriage is unknown, but estimated to be about 34 years.

(2) Elizabeth “Lizzie” Wagner Ducklow died in Wilton, Wisconsin on February 14, 1935 from cancer.  She was just 45 years old.  Elmer Eugene Ducklow died 3 months later on May 19, 1935 of a heart attack at age 46.  They had been married 24 years.

 (3) Thomas Edward Ducklow died March 21, 1983 in Green Bay, Wisconsin.  He was 79 years old.  His wife Mary Ann Sucky Ducklow died 3 months later on May 26, 1983.  She was 78 years old.  They had been married for about 47 years.

(4) Donald G Good died November 25, 1994 in Hartwell, Georgia.  He was 84 years old. His wife Anita Togstad Good died in January 1995.  About 3 months later.  She was age 82.  They were married 50 years.

(5) Ida Imogene LaGrander Smith died January 12, 1982 in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, age 78.  Her husband Daniel Francis Smith died 6 months later on July 14, 1982.  He was age 81.  They had been married 58 years.

Footnote: Pedigrees back to Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow:

Melvin Blair > Nellie Hanson Blair > Elizabeth Ducklow Hanson > Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow

Elmer Ducklow > Charles Ducklow > Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow

Thomas Ducklow > Peter Ducklow > Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow

Donald Good > Sidney Good > Mary Ann Ducklow Good > Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow

Ida LaGrander > Nellie LaGrander Ducklow > George Ducklow > Thomas & Elizabeth Ducklow

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