Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow Descendants in the News
[Updated April 21, 2009]

Four bits of news on Ducklow descendants have published on-line recently:

Larry Larsen announced that he will not be seeking a third term as president of North Hudson's Board of Trustees. The Hudson Star newspaper has a nice write-up on Larry and some of his history serving North Hudson, Wisconsin. The full artical can be linked to here. Larry married into the Ducklow family; his wife is Jean Ducklow. Jean descends from George and Emma Ducklow. George was the sixth child of Thomas and Elizabeth.

Cheese making honors were recently presented to Ryan and Joe LaGrander, along with their father Randy LaGrander. They were awarded first place for their Colby cheese at the United States Championship Cheese Contest held in Green Bay in March 2009. Their cheese making operation called the "LaGrander Hillside Dairy" is near Stanley in Chippewa County, Wisconsin. The Eau Clair Leader-Telegram newspaper has a write-up on-line which you can link to here. Ryan and Joe's great, great, great Grandparents are George and Emma Ducklow.

James Richard Holman, age 78, passed away on March 17th in Fargo, North Dakota. James was the grandson of Lucinda Ducklow and Gunder Ostenson. His obiturary can be found here. Lucinda Ducklow was the 14th and last child born to Thomas and Elizabeth.

John Neil LaGrander passed away on March 23rd in Drain, Oregon. John was the grandson of Nellie and George LaGrander and great grandson of George and Emma Ducklow. John Neil LaGrander's obiturary can be found here.

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