Twins and Triplets in the Greater Ducklow Family
[Published January 4, 2009]

There are four known sets of twins and two known sets of triplets born in the total of about the 750 children identified as descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow [see footnote]. The number of sets is notably fewer twins than the expected average (the average would be in the range of 15 to 22 sets for 750 births). However, it is about the expected number for triplet births (average is about 1 to 1.4 sets for 750 births) [see footnote]. Note that its seems much more likely that twins or triplets will be born from the George Ducklow line than the other branches of Thomas and Elizabeth's children.

A set of twins born in 1932; descendants of George Ducklow
A set of twins born in 1962; descendants of Peter Ducklow
A set of triplets born in 1996; descendants of George Ducklow
A set of triples born in 1996; descendants of Charles Ducklow
A set of twins born in 1998; descendants of George Ducklow
A set of twins born in 1999; descendants of George Ducklow

There is a possibility too that Thomas and Elizabeth's eighth and ninth children where twins: Infant Elizabeth and Infant Maria Jane, both born around 1855 or 1856. Information is lacking, but at least one fellow genealogist believes that these two infants could have been twins. Both of these children died as infants or toddlers. Maria Jane likely in 1856 and Elizabeth in February of 1857.

Footnote: The research continues on identifying all descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Ducklow. 750 is the number charted so far.

Footnote: Source of the twin and triplet birth rate information comes from the March of Dimes web site. Link here.

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